Sunday, November 7, 2010

I haven't blogged in ages.

And i don't really know why. Lots has happened which i coulda wrote about. For example, i still haven't written about how i moved into a new place with an Argentinean woman (who's our age - we're adults) who has a cat that's called Malbec, which is a type of grape that's used in wine here and is pretty tasty, and the cat is really strange, because it meows a lot and it always attacks people. And i moved into this place before i went on the trip with the Bren Dog which was quite long ago now.

Another thing i've been doing is I've been taking spanish classes at a private school, which i also haven't written about, and i've been taking them because the classes at La UCA are a hopeless joke. They're a joke, but a really unfunny one. Like a joke about chickens crossing the road or something. Or this one in Spanish:

- Mi hijo, en su nuevo trabajo, se encuentra como pez en el agua.
- Qué hace?
- Nada

Don't worry if you don't speak Spanish. Let me just tell you that it's not a very funny joke.

And Em got called the best teacher in the world by one student.

And in one spanish class, my teacher asked us to discuss abortion.

And last night i went to a gay bar with a new friend who has the same last name as me.

I mean... c'mon. I should be blogging that, right?

But look...

I've finished another assignment this week, and i've only got one to go, and Argentinean uni finishes in a couple of weeks, and dad arrives in a few days, and there's the possibility of my little brother coming to visit, so...

...i'm gonna write more things on this blog...

I can just imagine you're all giddy with anticipation.


  1. A fish does some stuff in water. Like everything

  2. the joke is that at his new job he's like a fish in water but the verb for swim (nadar) in the third person present is the same as the word for nothing (nada).
